Archives for January 26, 2015

How to No Longer Take Things Personally – Purpose Fairy

How to No Longer Take Things Personally – Purpose Fairy.

Labeling Thoughts

One of the major techniques of meditation is labeling thoughts as they come into mind. For example,

Meditation Practice is Enlightenment

Sudden and Gradual Enlightenment | January 26, 2015   Our practice of zazen [meditation] is itself enlightenment. In that sense, this is very sudden. When we sit, enlightenment is there. But we still need to continue this practice endlessly, so that within the process of practice, we become a deeply matured person, and that is […]

The Theory of Relativity According to the Dalai Lama

These words of wisdom express the theory of relativity according to the Dalai Lama. He is actually talking about what people get wrong about the present moment, but it cannot exist without the past and the future. He says, “This moment.. relatively speaking, we can call it present. But if we look at the watch, […]