Guided Meditation for Sleep

This guided meditation for sleep is something I could have used last night. Like many guided meditations, this one begins with the imagery associated with a quiet and peaceful beach, warming and relaxing you body and mind. The last twenty-five minutes or so consist of relaxing music to keep you sleeping well.

Sleep is usually that part of the day between this day and the next. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said,

“Finish each day before you begin the next, and interpose a solid wall of sleep between the two.”

Please bookmark this page and come back to it whenever you need a good night’s sleep. I think it will really work for you.

A couple of years ago, when my wife was suffering from an illness, I offered to lead her in a Sound Sleep Guided Meditation, The results were so effective that I also want to share it with you.

You can get this wonderful guided meditation MP3 recording today without charge by registering for the online seminar with Dr. Jean Houston, “The 3 Keys To Discovering & Living Your Life’s Purpose” which takes place today at 5:00pm PDTjust click on this link.

Sound Sleep Guided Meditation

Sound Sleep Guided Meditation

Master The Skill Of Getting To Sleep Easily and Comfortably, WITHOUT Pills!

Discover How to

  • breathe deeply from your abdomen
  • bring your attention into your breath, body and feelings
  • create a relaxing scene for you to return to at will
  • scan your body to achieve a state of total relaxation
  • to let got so you can sleep better
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