RAINS Meditation for Happiness

On October 21, 2021, I introduced this RAINS Meditation for Happiness to my colleagues in the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program (MMTCP) with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach and I am offering a version of it tonight for my class in How to Use Mindfulness to Be Happy. The acronym RAIN has been used by […]

RAIN and the 5 A’s

How do you choose between RAIN and the 5 A’s? Keep reading to find out what the RAIN and 5 A method is and how to use them to improve your mental well-being in trying situations and in everyday life. What is RAIN? RAIN is an acronym for a mindfulness meditation practice that brings awareness […]

How to Use RAIN

These words of wisdom from Teah Strozer talk about how getting started on a spiritual path take courage. The main thrust of the Tricycle.com article, however, was how to use RAIN. RAIN is an acronym for a four part meditation procedure developed initially by Insight Meditation Society teacher Michele McDonald and more thoroughly discussed by […]