The Benefit of Meditation

Where do we look for the benefit of meditation? Is it in our ability to sit for hours at a time and not budge? Is it in our excellent record of retreat attendance? Is it in life itself? Sharon Salzberg tells us… “The place to look for the benefit of meditation is in your life, […]

What the World Needs Now

What the world needs now is generosity instead of greed, kindness, gratitude and compassion instead of aggression, wisdom instead of delusion, and most of all, unconditional love instead of hatred. These were the conclusions we came to last night at our dharma discussion in the Mindfulness in Healing sangha. The discussion was sparked by the […]

What Happens with You Meditate?

What happens when you meditate? Do you loose track of time only to hear the sound of the ending bell? Or does your mind wander and you wonder how it is possible to bring it back to the object of your meditation? Or do you sometimes begin to doze off or even fall asleep? Here […]

The Wisdom of Self-Compassion

The wisdom of self-compassion is one of the most vibrant teachings of our times. We may find it quite easy to be compassionate with other people when they hurt themselves or feel sad or lonely. When it comes to compassion in own life, we often fail to grasp the concept and fail to believe the […]

Love Is All Around

During the Holiday Season and the time of the Winter Solstice, we need to be assured that love is all around. Take a look at the couple in the photograph below. Love is all around them as the look out across San Francisco Bay on a beautiful October evening, being aware of only each other, […]

Faith in Buddhism

The idea of faith in Buddhism was very confusing for me until I realized that it was faith in my own ability to awaken. This is the faith that we all have inherent Buddha nature (bodhicitta) – the compassion for ourselves and other beings to live in happiness and avoid suffering. The Buddha, himself, never […]

Meditating with Emotions

These words of wisdom from Pema Chodron teach us about meditating with emotions from her book, How to Meditate: A Practical Guide to Making Friends with Your Mind. Read this quote and then see what Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh (known as Thay by his followers) has to say about meditating with emotions. Get Dirty […]

Join Support Groups

The sixth of the 7 Principles of Mindfulness in Healing from the book, Healing with the 7 Principles of Mindfulness is to reach out to others. An important component of reaching out to others is to join support groups. Here is why. Support groups are wonderful for your healing experience because you are able to […]

Practice Daily Meditation

The fourth of the Seven Principles of Mindfulness in Healing from the book, Healing with the Seven Principles of Mindfulness is to practice daily meditation. Here is why. Meditation strengthens the mind like exercise strengthens the body. With daily exercise, your muscles become toned and your body feels great. If you miss a day or […]

Dalai Lama Turned 80!

The Dalai Lama turned 80 yesterday and the whole world is celebrating. Roshi Joan Halifax sent out an announcement saying, “Yesterday, His Holiness the Dalai Lama—great model of compassion—turned 80. Join us in wishing him a happy continuation!” I’m glad to see that Roshi Joan wrote “Join us in wishing him a happy continuation” because […]