Words of Wisdom for September 18, 2023

Dear Friends:
You were always free

There always was a pure drop of the water of compassion
Falling from the branch of the willow tree

There always was a wondrous voice,
a voice that thundered like the rolling sea.

There was always freedom from affliction

Within the suffering
the cause
the end
the path

Even in the desolation
Even in addiction
Even in injustice
Even in the endless war

There always was a springtime returning to the dry earth
A child born from a lotus blossom
You were always free

– Thich Nhat Hanh

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Here’s an interesting post from Meditation Practices:
15 Things You Should Add on Your Daily To Be List – Purpose Fairy
15 Things You Should Add on Your Daily To Be List. I have always loved this quote from Wayne Dyer:”I am a human being, not a human doing. Don’t equate your self-worth with how well you do things in life. You aren’t what you do. If you are what you do, then when you don’t…you aren …

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