Positive Affirmations for Attracting Love In Your Life – Purpose Fairy

These positive affirmations for attracting love in your life are meant to help you understand that once you know how to love yourself. Source: Positive Affirmations for Attracting Love In Your Life – Purpose Fairy

20 Minutes to Mend A Broken Heart: Guided Meditation – Purpose Fairy

Today’s guided meditation is meant to heal your broken heart and find closure after a failed relationship once and for all. Source: 20 Minutes to Mend A Broken Heart: Guided Meditation – Purpose Fairy

Love Your Life. Love Yourself. Love All Beings – That Is the Secret – Purpose Fairy

Source: Love Your Life. Love Yourself. Love All Beings – That Is the Secret – Purpose Fairy

32 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Abraham Lincoln – Purpose Fairy

When you say Abraham Lincoln, you say America’s greatest hero. A man that was, is, and will always remain an example on how you can surpass your background. Source: 32 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Abraham Lincoln – Purpose Fairy

How to Find Your Passion and Turn It into Purpose – Purpose Fairy

Learning how to find your passion will eventually help you to turn your passion into purpose. And what can be more rewarding than doing what you love? Source: How to Find Your Passion and Turn It into Purpose – Purpose Fairy

Soul Wisdom: Abraham Lincoln’s Famous Letter to His Son’s Teacher – Purpose Fairy

There are great men who can inspire millions of people from all over the world. And Abraham Lincoln’s famous letter to his son’s teacher is proof of that. Source: Soul Wisdom: Abraham Lincoln’s Famous Letter to His Son’s Teacher – Purpose Fairy

Change Your Attitude, Change Your Life: 50 Minutes of Positive Affirmations – Purpose Fairy

Life is full of ups and down. But the moment you decide to change your attitude, you will discover that your life will change for the better. Source: Change Your Attitude, Change Your Life: 50 Minutes of Positive Affirmations – Purpose Fairy

40 Minutes to Believe in Yourself: Guided Meditation – Purpose Fairy

To believe in yourself is to believe in life, love, and in the invisible power that makes the sun to shine each morning and to trust life’s wisdom. Source: 40 Minutes to Believe in Yourself: Guided Meditation – Purpose Fairy

15 Smart Ways to Teach Mindfulness to Children – Purpose Fairy

If you are a working parent, to teach mindfulness to children can sound like a fantasy. You may be surprised that you are in a great position to embrace it. Source: 15 Smart Ways to Teach Mindfulness to Children – Purpose Fairy

The Journey Beyond Yourself: On Welcoming Who You Truly Are – Purpose Fairy

Who you truly are underneath it all has no color, no religion and no need to identify with the many labels that humans like to impose on each other. Source: The Journey Beyond Yourself: On Welcoming Who You Truly Are – Purpose Fairy