Guided Meditation for Seeking Deeper Understanding

This guided meditation for seeking deeper understanding helps to trigger our own intuition – the inner guidance that moves us through life with a quiet grace. Lissa Rankin calls this “your inner pilot light.” As you listen to this guided meditation, you will be transported into a deeply spiritual place away from the distractions of […]

Laughter Brings Us Back to Life

I first learned of the great intuition master, Sonia Choquette through the Hay House World Summit in 2013. Then, I learned that she was doing a masterclass for Mindvalley and I signed up for it. A couple of days ago, I received these words of wisdom in an email. She teaches us that laughter brings […]

Intuition, Clairvoyance and Telepathy

I received this email from the Silva Method about intuition, clairvoyance and telepathy. These taboo topics are covered by this Google Talk. They’ve been denying it for decades, but it looks like the cat’s out of the bag – and about time too! We’re talking about the incredible power of intuition that lies within each […]

Unlock Your Intuition

There is no doubt that intuition is real – the question is, can we use it reliably to enhance our lives. Have you ever had that feeling or sense that something wasn’t right? Maybe you “knew” that something was wrong with a loved one without knowing why… Or that you just met was someone you […]

Actualize Yourself

Mark Benioff, CEO of Salesforce, received a brown box at the funeral of Steve Jobs. In the brown box was the last gift of Steve Jobs. It was a copy of Paramahansa Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi. Mark Benioff had gone to Steve Jobs for advice when he was having major problems in his company. […]

Listen To The Voice Within Yourself

Dogen Zenji was the founder of the Soto school of Zen Buddhism. He lived during the beginning of the 13th century and brought the teachings of Chan Buddhism back to Japan from China. “Do not follow the ideas of others, but learn to listen to the voice within yourself. “Your body and mind will become […]