Words of Wisdom for January 28, 2024

Dear Friends:
An Open Heart

As we become more inwardly free from our conditioning and our fears, the love and connection that are possible in relationships tend to flow through us more naturally. As our defenses are lowered, our heart opens, and there is a natural desire to give from the generosity of the heart. We discover that genuine happiness in relationships is not a product of having our expectations met or getting what we want but rather it is the consequence of freely giving in order to bring happiness to another.

– Ezra Bayda, “Giving Through Relationships”

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Here’s an interesting post from Meditation Practices:
We Are So Loved
We are so loved by the Universe and the wonders of life that we have everything we need to be happy right now in this very present moment. Here, Lissa Rankin, MD, teaches us some more factors of unconditional love. “One of my friends is in the midst of a dark night of the soul …

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