Archives for November 20, 2014

Interbeing: Precepts and Practices of an Applied Ecology-Marty Peale & Roshi Joan Halifax – Upaya Zen Center

Interbeing: Precepts and Practices of an Applied Ecology-Marty Peale & Roshi Joan Halifax – Upaya Zen Center.

Blind Faith | November 20, 2014

Just to be is a blessing. Just to live is holy. – Abraham Joshua Heschel The Role of Faith | November 20, 2014 As a factor of the Buddhist path, faith (saddha) does not mean blind belief but a willingness to accept on trust certain propositions that we cannot, at our present stage of development, […]

The Freshness of Life

These words of wisdom about the freshness of life by Uchiyama Kosho Roshi come to us from the Upaya Zen Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico. My friend, Roshi Joan Halifax is the founder of Upaya and its abbess. I look forward to her emails weekly. Uchiyama Kosho Roshi lived between 1912 and 1988. He […]