Archives for January 8, 2015

50 Quotes That Will Change the Way You Think – Purpose Fairy

50 Quotes That Will Change the Way You Think – Purpose Fairy.

A Wider Spiritual Vision

A Wider Spiritual Vision | January 8, 2015 People of faith should root transformative action in the spiritual disciplines of prayer, meditation, and contemplation. While traditionally such practices served as stepping stones to the realization of a transcendent goal, today we need a wider spiritual vision that can encompass the divine and the mundane, the […]

Buddhist Climate Action Network

Thirteen dharma brothers and sisters from several different Buddhist traditions had a planning session on January 4, 2015 for the Buddhist Climate Action Network (BCAN) in Berkeley, CA. The meeting was led by Ayya Santussika of the Karuna Buddhist Vihara, a monastery in Mountain View, California. It was an organizational meeting for BCAN. The meeting […]