Archives for August 4, 2015

Good Impatience, Bad Impatience

Good Impatience, Bad Impatience Impatience can be very good by helping us not put up with tyranny, but it can distort our view of what is possible and how to bring about change. We have to cultivate patience so that our perception isn’t distorted. – Paul Ekman, “The Best and Worst of Us”


“HOW DO I DO IT?” VS. “CAN I DO IT?” “In contrast, a process orientation . . . asks ‘How do I do it?’ instead of ‘Can I do it?’ and this directs attention toward defining the steps that are necessary on the way. This orientation can be characterized in terms of the guiding principle […]

Join Support Groups

The sixth of the 7 Principles of Mindfulness in Healing from the book, Healing with the 7 Principles of Mindfulness is to reach out to others. An important component of reaching out to others is to join support groups. Here is why. Support groups are wonderful for your healing experience because you are able to […]