The Goddesses of Knowledge and Wealth

We don’t often think of the Goddesses of Knowledge and Wealth, but when we do, so says Deepak Chopra, we should think of the Goddess of Knowledge, Sarasvati. But from what I’ve seen in his daily emails, is his online programs pay homage to the Goddess of Wealth, Lakshmi. In these emails, he is ABS – always be selling – good stuff, mind you, but commercial.

From left to right: Ganesh, Lakshmi and Sarasvati

“And the spiritual master replied, ‘There are two Goddesses that reside in the heart of every human being. Everybody is deeply in love with these supreme beings. But there is a certain secret that you need to know, and I will tell you what it is.

Although you love both Goddesses, you must pay more attention to one of them. She is the Goddess of Knowledge, and her name is Sarasvati. Pursue her, love her, and give her your attention. The other Goddess, whose name is Lakshmi, is the Goddess of Wealth.

When you pay more attention to Sarasvati, Lakshmi will become extremely jealous and pay more attention to you. The more you seek the Goddess of Knowledge, the more the Goddess of Wealth will seek you. She will follow you wherever you go and never leave you. And the wealth you desire will be yours forever.’”

Deepak Chopra from Creating Affluence: The A-to-Z Steps to a Richer Life

For most of my life, I’ve chosen knowledge over wealth. I spent four years in college and six years in graduate school studying chemical engineering and physics. For the past 40+ years, I have been studying Yoga, Hinduism, Buddhism and many other wisdom traditions. I used my “degrees” to earn a living for my family and now I can spend my life seeking more knowledge, more wisdom, more compassion, more gratitude, more forgiveness, and being more generous with my time, energy and material resources.

So what is more important to you: knowledge or wealth?

Books by Deepak Chopra

Creating Affluence: The A-to-Z Steps to a Richer Life

Deepak Chopra

In this remarkable book lies the secret to creating affluence. Here you will discover that you are the dancer and the dance, the creator and the creation, and unlimited wealth is yours merely for the asking. With clear and simple wisdom, Deepak Chopra explores the full meaning of wealth conscio…

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