A Brown Robe, a Brown Coat

“A Brown Robe, a Brown Coat” is a poem by my dharma brother and fellow Order of Interbeing (OI) member, Mike McMahon. It was posted on the OI listserv yesterday and many brothers and sisters had wonderful things to say about it. A Brown Robe, a Brown Coat I was a person in the world. […]

The World We Have

A we approach Christmas time it is important to examine the world we have right now. Our world is full of political unrest, racial, economic and gender inequality, reliance on fossil fuels, climate and forest degradation, and over consumption. How do we cope with such inequities at a time when we are singing, “Joy to […]

An Evening of Mindfulness

On Thursday, September 24, I offered an evening of mindfulness in Santa Monica on Healing Cancer with Meditation. The evening was made possible by the generous support of Alicia Dunams who made all the arrangements and provided the support staff. The evening of mindfulness coincided with the launch of my new book, Healing the the […]

What is Dharma?

A lot of people new to the teaching of mindfulness ask the question, “What is dharma?” They hear it mentioned in so many different contexts that they become confused. But, like many words in English, dharma has many meanings. Buddhists all over the world talk about the Three Jewels: the Buddha, the dharma, and the […]

In Memory of Swami Veda Bharati

This article is in memory of Swami Veda Bharati, who passed away on July 14, 2015. When I met him in 1971, he was called Dr. Arya and he was the scholar in residence at the Himalayan Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy under the direction of Swami Rama in the suburbs of Chicago. As […]

How to Transform Suffering into an Opportunity for Growth

Here we have more words of wisdom from Robert Emmons. This lesson is on how to transform suffering into an opportunity for growth. He quotes Abraham Maslow, who we heard from recently in The Creative Spirit Of The Self-Actualizer last month. It continues on the gratitude theme from A Gratitude Practice to Increase Happiness from […]

Take Refuge in Yourself

The Buddha teaches us to take refuge in yourself. Taking refuge in yourself gives you the strength to be just as you are, without having to impress anyone else or kowtow to anyone else. You become an island unto yourself. Oneself is one’s own protector (refuge) indeed, What other protector (refuge) can there be? With […]

Theta Healing for Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual Wellness

This teaching on Theta Healing for emotional, physical and spiritual wellness came to me from David, a member of the Mindflness in Healing sangha. David spoke at length about it last Wednesday. Theta Healing® is an energy technique that allows us to identify and unlock limiting subconscious beliefs that may contribute and block your path […]

How to Invite the Bell

I go to many Buddhist events and everywhere, someone becomes the bell master and invites the bell. I listen to many dharma talks by many different dharma teachers and they often invite the bell. However, I have never come across another teacher who is as wonderful a bell master as Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. […]

Gratitude is Passive Energy

These words of wisdom from Masaru Emoto teach us that gratitude is passive energy, while love tends to be more active energy. While gratitude is one of the cornerstones of our practice, love is the foundation. We experience love for the Buddha – the one who shows us the way in this life. We experience […]