10 Minutes to Perfect Peace: Guided Meditation – Purpose Fairy

To live in perfect peace means to be connected with the truth of who you are; to be aware of your beauty, wisdom and perfection, and live from that place. Source: 10 Minutes to Perfect Peace: Guided Meditation – Purpose Fairy

The Time Myth: You Have Nowhere to Be but Here – Purpose Fairy

Your whole life you feel like you have a ticking time bomb causing you to run faster, quicker and fulfill society’s expectations. Your life clock is ticking Source: The Time Myth: You Have Nowhere to Be but Here – Purpose Fairy

Why Everything I Thought I Knew about Gratitude Is Wrong – Purpose Fairy

Why Everything I Thought I Knew about Gratitude Is Wrong? Well, I’ve actually come to see that everything we think about gratitude can actually do us harm. Source: Why Everything I Thought I Knew about Gratitude Is Wrong – Purpose Fairy

On Having the Courage to Follow Your Heart and Intuition – Purpose Fairy

It takes strength and a lot courage to follow your heart and intuition. But you have within you the necessary strength and courage to do it. So do it! Source: On Having the Courage to Follow Your Heart and Intuition – Purpose Fairy

Letters from Your Soul: On Learning to Trust the Flow of Life – Purpose Fairy

What if I told you that there is a natural flow of life and that you don’t have to struggle so much and you don;t have to try so hard to make things happen? Source: Letters from Your Soul: On Learning to Trust the Flow of Life – Purpose Fairy

15 Easy Ways to Stimulate Your Right Brain – Purpose Fairy

15 Easy Ways to Stimulate Your Right Brain. Being creative makes us feel more alive, awake and confident. When we are more creative, we shine brighter. We see limitations and struggles with new eyes. We feel more like our authentic selves. We are in alignment with our unique, and expansive, creative center. However, more often […]

The 5 Minute Anxiety Reduction: Guided Meditation – Purpose Fairy

This 5 minute anxiety reduction guided meditation is one of the BEST ways to quickly reduce feeling of stress, worry, anxiety and panic from your life. Source: The 5 Minute Anxiety Reduction: Guided Meditation – Purpose Fairy

7 Amazing Reasons Why Traveling Alone Is Good for You – Purpose Fairy

Traveling broadens the mind without a doubt, but if you’re traveling alone, you can learn even more about yourself and improve some important skills Source: 7 Amazing Reasons Why Traveling Alone Is Good for You – Purpose Fairy

Simple Living: 5 Steps to Simplify Your Life – Purpose Fairy

“As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness.” Source: Simple Living: 5 Steps to Simplify Your Life – Purpose Fairy

Letters from Your Soul: On Learning to Deal with Unkind People – Purpose Fairy

As you go through life, you will face many challenges and you will encounter many unkind people who will say mean and nasty things to you, and about you; Source: Letters from Your Soul: On Learning to Deal with Unkind People – Purpose Fairy