These 10 proven steps to happiness, if practiced with diligence, they will show you the way to a happy, more fulfilled and richer and abundant life. Source: 10 Scientifically Proven Steps to Happiness – Purpose Fairy
Let Go of Control: Surrendering Guided Meditation – Purpose Fairy
Source: Let Go of Control: Surrendering Guided Meditation – Purpose Fairy
7 Things to Remember When Life Gets Rough – Purpose Fairy
When life gets rough and you can no longer find the strength to carry on, it helps to remember these things so that you can find the courage to move forward Source: 7 Things to Remember When Life Gets Rough – Purpose Fairy
Why It’s Imperative to Seek Emotional Help – Purpose Fairy
Those who seek emotional help often feel a release of responsibility from their abuse, no longer feeling attached to that painful event from the past. Source: Why It’s Imperative to Seek Emotional Help – Purpose Fairy
6 Reasons Why Others Opinions of You Don’t Matter at All – Purpose Fairy
Others opinions of you are just that – their own opinions, and even though you might think that their opinions of you matter, they really don’t. Source: 6 Reasons Why Others Opinions of You Don’t Matter at All – Purpose Fairy
Journey to Inner Peace: 5 Minute Guided Meditation – Purpose Fairy
This peaceful and calming 5 minute guided meditation will take you on a wonderful journey where you will learn let go of worry, fear, stress and anxiety. Source: Journey to Inner Peace: 5 Minute Guided Meditation – Purpose Fairy
Be Grateful: A Different Way of Looking at Gratitude – Purpose Fairy
Be grateful …thankful…feel blessed – this is the only way to manifest something new in life.Seems to be every one’s mantra these days. Source: Be Grateful: A Different Way of Looking at Gratitude – Purpose Fairy
10 Things to Help You Sleep Better – Purpose Fairy
You will sleep better when you are not worrying. The most common complaint when people are trying to sleep is they say “I can’t slow down. Source: 10 Things to Help You Sleep Better – Purpose Fairy
Letters from Your Soul: On Feeling Worthy, and “Enough” – Purpose Fairy
Feeling worthy and “enough” is our birthright. It’s how we were born. It’s how we came into this physical world. And the Soul knows this to be true. Source: Letters from Your Soul: On Feeling Worthy, and “Enough” – Purpose Fairy
The 5 Minute Miracle: Daily Guided Meditation – Purpose Fairy
The 5 minute miracle is a daily guided meditation that’s meant to help you change old patterns of thinking and let go of limiting beliefs. Source: The 5 Minute Miracle: Daily Guided Meditation – Purpose Fairy