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Comments On The Bodhisattva Vows
Yesterday, I presented the Vows of the Bodhisattvas in two versions. One of the versions was from the San Francisco Zen Center and their founder, Zen Master Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. It goes like this:
Then I found this dharma talk given by Suzuki Roshi on April 29, 1969, in which he made comments on the bodhisattva vows. You can actually listen to the dharma talk right here!
In the dharma talk, he spoke about the precepts as vows.
The precepts are related to the Five Mindfulness Trainings of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh.
For example, one of the precepts is not to kill. This relates to the first mindfulness training.
Suzuki Roshi’s point of view on this teaching is that its purpose is to arise our buddha nature, our buddha mind, our “bodhichitta.” He says,
So with regard to the comments on the bodhisattva vows, he states,
Thus, even taking the bodhisattva vows has the purpose of awakening our buddha nature.
So the same thing is true with the precepts or mindfulness trainings.
By calling them “trainings,” Thich Nhat Hanh is already pointing out that our purpose in taking them is to awaken our buddha nature.
Did you take on any vows? If so, what are they? Do they help awaken bodhichitta (buddha mind)?
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