
Subscribe to Meditation Practices

As a Subscriber You Get

  • 6 Guided Meditations

When you connect with Meditation Practices you will receive links to six guided meditations that you can do in nine minutes a day in your email. You can easily download each one to your computer, iPhone or other device. Feel free to share them with your family and friends.

  • Loving-Kindness Meditation eBook

Also, you will receive a download page for an eBook on Loving-kindness Meditation.

  • Meditation Practices and Training

We will make sure to help you do everything you can to promote your health and well-being by learning mindfulness practices and applying them in your daily life. We will send you updates of all the latest posts on our blog. You will be able to find meditation instructions in the form of written text, MP3s, and videos for your enjoyment.

  • Meditation Offers

We often recommend products, retreats, lectures, videos and recordings that can help you to maintain your meditation practice and support your health and healing.

  • Online and Live Events

We will keep you informed of online events that you can join for free or for a small charge. Also, you will hear about live events featuring some of the world’s most notable meditation masters.

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