Beach at Cambrils
These words of wisdom from Cheri Huber tell us, “Do not waste your time on what you don’t want.”
You needn’t waste your time trying to get rid of what you don’t want in your life. Just add what you do want.
– Cheri Huber
This reminds me of what my wife would always say and continues to say to our children:
To desire what you don’t have is to waste what you do have.
This statement became especially true when our car was broken into in Cambrils, Spain on April 21. Our luggage and our friends’ luggage, along with two backpacks were stolen from our car that was parked near the beach. The side window was broken into and that is how the thieves got into the car. It didn’t help that there was this six inch sticker on the back announcing that we were in a rental car.
We were left without any clothes other than what we were wearing, Fortunately for my wife and me, our coats were not taken, which became a blessing in the cold, mountain air of Cuenca where went three days later.

View from Melia Hotel in Valencia
After the incident, we reported it to the police and had to wait three hours to get the completed report. Then we drove three or four hours to Valencia, which was our destination for the next day. We walked into the fancy Melia Hotel carrying plastic bags of water and other goodies.
Then we had to shop for three days in Valencia. I developed a strong case of PDSD – post dramatic shopping disorder, which lasted for some time. I hate to shop, even though I only had the clothes on my back left after the robbery. The first day, I only bought a tee shirt and then it dawned on my that I had nothing to wear!
Would you believe that the most significant thing I lost was my 53 year old hair brush? I bought it in 1962 when I was working in Aiken, South Carolina and living in Augusta, Georgia.
In Cuenca, a few day later, we had a letting go ceremony. However, I’m still carrying that old brush of mine. I really had a brush with bad luck in Spain.
[…] with these questions ever since our luggage was stolen in Cambrils, Spain on April 21 (see Do Not Waste Your Time). My case of PDSD sent me into a downward trend which is just beginning to come to an […]