In the Netflix series on Buddha, there was an interesting conversation with a householder couple that presented the gratitude teachings of the Buddha. I have reproduced the English translations here, along with a snap shot of the couple.

Screen capture from Netflix movie, Buddha
Buddha: It is important to have harmony in a married life. If the husband and wife share good relations, then it will bring prosperity to the family. If families are happy and prosperous, then it will benefit the entire humankind. Husband and wife will have to rise above their mundane marital woes or their struggles to earn wealth and the limitations of the body. The wife is known as the better half. The husband should always respect his wife and honor her wishes. The husband should never humiliate the wife in front of anyone. Every wife fulfills her duties towards her husband. It’s the wife’s duty to always love her husband. She needs to accept her husband’s family as her own. She should always love and serve her husband’s family. She should welcome the guests. If they trust each other, they can obtain the ultimate knowledge together.
Wife: I beg you, sire. Please tell us how we can lead our lives while following the path enlightened by you.
Buddha: Always be in the company of good human beings. Those who live aimlessly or carelessly are bad. They can misguide you as well. Create an atmosphere around you which will lead to your spiritual growth. When your conscious is pure, your actions will be righteous. No matter what you do, be it your business or your household chores, try to understand it in depth and always give your best. Even when you cook, don’t treat it as a chore, but treat it as a unique opportunity. Be it your parents, in-laws, children or other people around you, take care of them. Don’t lead a selfish life. Share your wealth, prosperity, happiness and possessions with everyone. Avoid gambling and intoxication in any form. Bear in mind.
When you wake up every morning, it is important to think about what you want to do each day. Gratitude had disappeared from our lives. A family man should always be conscious about everything he has been blessed with. There are trees, flowers, air, water and sky. We didn’t create these things. You must feel gratitude for what you have. Spend each day with gratitude and think. Even if you don’t learn a lot, you will learn a little. Even if you don’t learn anything, be grateful for your good health. Even if you are unwell, you aren’t dead yet. If you live each day with a feeling of gratitude, you will find life blossoming around you.
The Buddha’s teaching are as relevant today as they were 2600 years ago. The good live consists of the company of good people and a strong understanding between husband and wife or any two couples in a committed relationship.
There is also a hint of something about being present for whatever you are doing. He says, “No matter what you do, be it your business or your household chores, try to understand it in depth and always give your best. Even when you cook, don’t treat it as a chore, but treat it as a unique opportunity.” I think this relates to Suzuki Roshi’s famous statement, “When you wash the dishes, just wash the dishes.” Thich Nhat Hanh adds, “Don’t wash your problems, worries, fears or concerns. Just wash the dishes.”
What are you grateful for today?
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