Why Should We Meditate?

Just before the Dalai Lama‘s book, Toward a True Kinship of Faiths: How the World’s Religions Can Come Together came out, HDNet interviewed him.

The Dalai Lama spoke on why should we meditate.

He said, “When we feel certain sort of irritation, during that moment, if that person concentrate fully on the breathing, nothing else… When you start breathing, mental state irritated, but after breathing… your mental state will be little different, little more calm… for day to day’s well-being.”

This short video has a lot of value. By simply concentrating on our breathing, we can feel more calm.

What happens when you try the Dalai Lama’s suggestion? Please share.

Try The Dalai Lama’s Book
Toward a True Kinship of Faiths: How the World's Religions Can Come Together
Old Price: $15.00
Price: $7.85

Old Price: $27.00
Price: $9.97

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