Words of Wisdom for August 9, 2023

Dear Friends:
Are Kleshas Obstacles or Opportunities for Enlightenment?

Buddhism has plenty of words for what human beings do wrong””defilements, neurotic behavior, obscurations, obstructions, evil deeds, kleshas, and so on. The beauty of Buddhism, though, is that it doesn’t focus on blame. The focus of Buddhism is samsara, which is not a sin but simply a mistake, a mistake that starts out small and gets very, very big. When you begin with the view that a mistake has been made, you can stop trying to apprehend the wrongdoer and put your effort into finding out how the mistake occurred in the first place. In the beginning, the real nature of the mistake can elude us, and we may think that there is “something wrong with us.” It takes the patience and diligence of mindfulness to see our “defilements” for what they really are””and to see how they differ from who we really are.

– Barry Boyce, Lion’s Roar

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