Archives for September 3, 2014

21 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Brené Brown – Purpose Fairy

21 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Brené Brown – Purpose Fairy.

The Value and Importance of Human Connection – Purpose Fairy

The Value and Importance of Human Connection – Purpose Fairy.

Appreciation: The Key to a Happy Life – Purpose Fairy

Appreciation: The Key to a Happy Life – Purpose Fairy.

▶ Medicine Buddha Mantra (with words) – YouTube

▶ Medicine Buddha Mantra (with words) – YouTube.

▶ Joanna Macy & Ajahn Sulak Sivaraksa: Buddhist Peace Fellowship Keynote Event – YouTube

Joanna Macy gave an inspiring call to spiritual action, along with Ajahn Sulak in a talk last Friday night. She mentions, among other things, the importance of study groups in addressing the 3 poisons and acknowledges practices borrowed from Thay. smiles, david nelson ▶ Joanna Macy & Ajahn Sulak Sivaraksa: Buddhist Peace Fellowship Keynote Event […]

World Peace Must Develop from Inner Peace

World peace must develop from inner peace. Peace is not just mere absence of violence. Peace is the manifestation of human compassion. – Dalai Lama

How Will Medical Evolutions Affect You

I am happy to inform you about a wonderful medical summit that will answer the question, “How will medical evolutions affect you?” This is important information for everyone. It is The Evolution of Medicine Summit. You know as well as I do that the medical system in the United States is in deep trouble. Doctors […]