Archives for May 10, 2015

Son’s Unforgettable Mother’s Day Delivery Brought Tears to My Eyes – Purpose Fairy

Son’s Unforgettable Mother’s Day Delivery Brought Tears to My Eyes – Purpose Fairy.

“Meditation Blues” by Stephen Levine

“Meditation Blues” by Stephen Levine Sometimes it breaks my heart to watch my mind— cold, self interest, insistent fear and judgment, whispered insults, vengeful fantasies, triumph and despair. A conditioned unfolding so impersonal, we take it personally. Sometimes aghast at the casual cruelty of even minor fears and celebrations. Sometimes it breaks my heart to […]

The Only Solution is Love

Happy Mother’s Day This poem is for all you mother’s out there. The Buddhist teachings tell us that we were all each others’ mothers in past lives. This makes today a celebration for everyone! The Only Solution is Love We have all known the long loneliness. We have learned that the only solution is love, […]