Archives for February 2017

7 Ways to be More Grateful

These 7 ways to be more grateful in life were written by Luminita Saviac – The Purpose Ferry. I find them to be very useful in light of my daily practice of gratitude. If you are not practicing gratitude on a daily basis, maybe you should begin. It is one of the fastest ways to […]

On Finding the Courage to End Procrastination Today – Purpose Fairy

Whenever you feel procrastination is trying to get a hold of you, watch this powerful video. It will help you put an end to procrastination. Source: On Finding the Courage to End Procrastination Today – Purpose Fairy

Guided Meditation for Restful Sleep – Purpose Fairy

This beautiful meditation will put you in a deep state of relaxation so that you can have a restful sleep and wake up feeling refreshed and full of life. Source: Guided Meditation for Restful Sleep – Purpose Fairy

5 Ways to Break Free from Living in Uncertainty – Purpose Fairy

While not always easy to do (particularly when you are living in uncertainty), trusting the process of life as opposed to resisting it is key. Source: 5 Ways to Break Free from Living in Uncertainty – Purpose Fairy

Prove Them Wrong: When People Doubt Your Ability To Succeed – Purpose Fairy

A lot of people will try to convince you that you shouldn’t go after your dreams and that what you want is impossible. Prove them wrong. Source: Prove Them Wrong: When People Doubt Your Ability To Succeed – Purpose Fairy

The Incredible Power of Believing in Yourself – Purpose Fairy

If you want to discover more about the incredible power of believing in yourself, watch this amazing video and allow it to blow your mind. Source: The Incredible Power of Believing in Yourself – Purpose Fairy

4 Ways to Honor Your Needs When Other People Don’t – Purpose Fairy

So, how do you honor your needs when other people else don’t and spare yourself of unnecessary hurt, resentment and disappointment? Source: 4 Ways to Honor Your Needs When Other People Don’t – Purpose Fairy

Include All Things

The insight of interbeing tells us to include all things. This inclusiveness pertains to people, animals, plants and minerals all the way down to the smallest atom (hydrogen) and all the up beyond the visible universe. But this is not a new idea as many think. For example, in my interview with Neil deGrasse Tyson […]

What is a Hero?

What is a hero? Do you really know? Is it someone strong and vibrant who goes off and slays your enemies and upholds your friends? Or is it a football quarterback who wins the Super Bows in the last second with his “hail Mary” throw? Christoper McDougall doesn’t think it is any of these.   […]

The Warrior Within

yada “In today’s world, why would anyone want to Unleash the Warrior Within? … We want to end war, but to end war we must understand war. And the starting point for all war comes from within each of us. True warriors understand this; this is why we need more warriors. Being a warrior is […]