The Nature of Religion

This quote from Karen Armstrong, a noted commentator on world religions, follows on the tail of the recent article, Joanna Macy Talks about The Kingdom of Shambhala. In that article, we learned that we must act as bhodhisattvas and take up the challenge of becoming a Shambhala warrior. Now, Karen Armstrong is telling us the […]

What Christianity is Missing

Today is my continuation day! I am celebrating with my wife, son, and daughter. We will spend some of the time in the lovely Napa Valley. Just eleven days ago, my wife and I returned from a wonderful gastronomic tour of the Catalan region of Spain. We spent ten nights in Barcelona, where my other […]


Ahimsa – non-violence, is a common thread in Hinduism and Buddhism. In Christianity and Judaism, we find the commandment, “Thou shall not kill!” We all know about all the religious wars that were fought in the name of God and the violent acts of killing that took place. Ahimsa is a comprehensive principle. We are […]