The Government’s Reaction to Covid-19

I believe that the government’s reaction to Covid-19 was irresponsible, late and smells of incompetence. For example, the pandemic warning was broadcast by the outbreak risk software, Bluedot, on December 31, 2019 and was completely ignored by the powers that be. This is just one of the many shortcomings, lies and cover-ups in the president […]

60 Minutes of Mindfulness with Anderson Cooper

The whole world knows by now that there were 60 minutes of mindfulness with Anderson Cooper on television on December 14, 2014. I had a previous engagement, so I knew I could find the 60 Minutes episode online and I found it here: Mindfulness. The show was produced by Denise Schrier Cetta and edited by […]

Secular Mindfulness

In the recent article, Google Likes Thich Nhat Hanh, we saw that mindfulness has made a lasting impression on certain types of business such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, and the like. The companies are offering classes in mindfulness in hopes of increasing the productivity of their workers. We call this secular mindfulness, because it leaves […]