Forgiving Ourselves And Others

Last week, I wrote an article titled,  A Wise And Understanding Heart. In this article, I reported on my Bar Mitzvah speech in which I asked God for “A wise and understanding heart to discern between good and evil.” Today, I read an article in Tricycle Magazine about The Power of Forgiveness by Gina Sharpe. […]

The Heart Of Forgiveness

While we are on the subject of forgiveness, I’d like to present what the prominent teacher, Jack Kornfield has to say about the ancient heart of forgiveness. The talk was give at the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley. The center is run by Dacher Keltner, who was one of the […]

Forgiveness Meditation

The meditation practice of forgiveness is essential for continued heath and well-being. Doing so develops loving kindness and compassion. Our bodies feel considerable stress when we carry judgements, criticisms, negativity, doubts, fears, regrets, resentments, grudges, and impure thoughts towards ourselves and others. The way to neutralize the stress is to practice forgiveness meditation and work […]

Who Is Somaly Mam?

When Somaly Mam was 12 years old, she was taken from her home in the forests of Cambodia and sold to a brothel. She doesn’t even know her real name or her age. She has trouble sleeping because of the bad dreams she has about the raping. Somehow, she managed to escape and since then, she […]

Shake It Off!

One day a farmer’s donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasn’t worth it to retrieve the donkey. He invited all his […]

Jon Kabat-Zinn Speaks To The Greater Good

The Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley was founded by research psychologists Dacher Keltner, Phil and Carolyn Cowan, and Steve Hinshaw. Dacher Keltner was a featured presenter in the Sounds True series, The Compassionate Brain. In his interview with series founder and presenter, Dr.Rick Hanson, Dr. Keltner spoke a lot about his […]

Deep Listening and Loving Speech Are Meditation Practices

Deep listening and loving speech are the foundations of our meditation practices at the Mindfulness in Healing support group that takes place at the Pine Street Clinic in San Anselmo, California every Wednesday night. The group has been meeting now for more than three years. Last night, we had a especially touching gathering. After spending […]