Hormone Tip from Sara Gottfried

This hormone tip from Sara Gottfired is really worth paying attention to. I’ve adapted this post from an email I received from her recently. It turns out that gratitude is the secret sauce that gets your hormones back on track! She is planning to send to me a few more of her brand new, secret […]

6 Ways To Cultivate Gratitude

Even the Harvard Mental Health Letter is writing about the benefits of gratitude. They say, “Expressing thanks may be one of the simplest ways to feel better.” They offer 6 ways to cultivate gratitude. Several research studies have shown that groups of people assigned to writing about gratitude fared better than the control groups who […]

The Power Of Gratitude

The power of gratitude is that it is a tremendous boost to happiness and well-being. This infographic from Mindvalley shows just how powerful the celebration of gratitude can be. There are six ways for you to express gratitude in the infographic below: Keeping a gratitude journal Thinking about 5 things every morning that you are […]