Attaining Enlightenment

Attaining enlightenment seems to be what we are all looking for when we diligently practice mindful meditation every day. I know, from personal experience, that this can be a very difficult task. When I was 19, I had three transformative experiences that shaped my life. I did not know what theses were experiences were until […]

We Are So Loved

We are so loved by the Universe and the wonders of life that we have everything we need to be happy right now in this very present moment. Here, Lissa Rankin, MD, teaches us some more factors of unconditional love. “One of my friends is in the midst of a dark night of the soul, […]

Gratitude is Passive Energy

These words of wisdom from Masaru Emoto teach us that gratitude is passive energy, while love tends to be more active energy. While gratitude is one of the cornerstones of our practice, love is the foundation. We experience love for the Buddha – the one who shows us the way in this life. We experience […]