Archives for September 2014

The Field of Boundless Emptiness

The field of boundless emptiness is what exists from the very beginning. You must purify, cure, grind down, or brush away all the tendencies you have fabricated into apparent habits. Then you can reside in the clear circle of brightness. Utter emptiness has no image, upright independence does not rely on anything. Just expand and […]

Yoga, meditation may help train brain to help people control computers with their mind — ScienceDaily

Yoga, meditation may help train brain to help people control computers with their mind — ScienceDaily.

Loving Kindness for All Beings

The music in this video is by Ashana from her album, All is Forgiven. The song is called, Loving Kindness for all beings! A friend of mine shared this with me for healing, relaxation, and inner peace. It was the one song I relied on during my recent eight weeks of cancer treatments. The words […]

Be Generous and Loving and Forgiving – tricycle – noah levine

Internal Revolution | September 28, 2014 There are so many levels to this anti-greed, anti-hatred, anti-delusion teaching that says, in this world thatÂ’s filled with confusion, let’s be unconfused. In a world filled with hatred and greed, let’s be generous and loving and forgiving. The teachings are revolutionary on a societal level, but there’s also […]

The Interconnected World – tricycle

It’s About Being Connected | September 27, 2014 My path to enlightenment will only come from being connected to the world around me. It’s not just about being centered inside; it’s about being connected to your world. – Njeri Matheu, “People’s Climate March”

Just Breathe: When Teachers Practice Mindfulness | Edutopia

Just Breathe: When Teachers Practice Mindfulness | Edutopia.

Disruption (Full Movie, 2014) – YouTube

Disruption (Full Movie, 2014) – YouTube.

The Heart Sutra

Buddhist News.

The Timeless and Infinite – lama surya das

  Lama Surya Das   News, Retreats, & Events “At the heart of every experience and every moment is the timeless and infinite, as the sages throughout the ages sing out in a single chorus! What keeps us, keeps me, from experiencing and singing it out right now? Nothing.”   Lama Surya Das

Letting Go Moment After Moment – norman fischer – upaya

Norman Fischer   Renunciation isn’t a moral imperative or a form of self-denial. It’s simply cooperation with the way things are: for moments do pass away, one after the other. Resisting this natural unfolding doesn’t change it; resistance only makes it painful. So we renounce our resistance, our noncooperation, our stubborn refusal to enter life […]