Archives for September 9, 2015

On Learning to Make Peace with Your Life – Purpose Fairy

On Learning to Make Peace with Your Life. The life you are now living is the life you are meant to be living. The pain you have been through, the challenges you are now experiencing – the hurt, the disappointment, the fear and the betrayal, they are all part of your journey. They are all […]

What Is Impermanence

yada Knowing Impermanence Directly One of the great insights we can get from mindfulness meditation practice is that each moment of experience arises and passes. Having a direct experience of this impermanence, from observing awareness, helps us let go of the attempt to calcify any single moment of time, to try to make something stable […]

Go For It!

In these words of wisdom, Nisargadatta Maharaj tells us to “Go for it resolutely.” What is he talking about? He is talking about self-realization which means that you no longer identify completely with yourself! You realize the insight of interbeing and identify with all life and everything that is. Your recognize the interconnectedness of all […]