More than Bare Attention When mindfulness is equated with bare attention, it can easily lead to the misconception that the cultivation of mindfulness has nothing to do with ethics or with the cultivation of wholesome states of mind and the attenuation of unwholesome states. Nothing could be further from the truth. – B. Alan Wallace, […]
Learning to Pay Attention
We are learning to pay attention—period. Walking, sitting, typing, driving, cooking, listening, and speaking are all becoming fully HERE, no distractions, activities. Every moment is a fully present, completely HERE, no distractions “activity.” Soon you’ll realize it doesn’t take tense muscles to do anything. Soon you’ll see that awareness contains everything, and that as you […]
Your Inner Pilot Light
Light Gives Forth Light When we share our light with others, we do not diminish our own light. Rather, we increase the amount of light available to all. Therefore, when others light our candle, we issue forth light. When out of gratitude we use our candle to light other people’s candles, the whole room gets […]
Pema Chodron Turned 79!
A lot is happening in the world of Buddhism and yoga these days! With the Dalai Lama turning 80, Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh being treated for his stroke at UCSF (near my home), and Swami Veda Bharati passing away I think it is high time to launch the Indiegogo campaign! Just a couple of […]
In Memory of Swami Veda Bharati
This article is in memory of Swami Veda Bharati, who passed away on July 14, 2015. When I met him in 1971, he was called Dr. Arya and he was the scholar in residence at the Himalayan Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy under the direction of Swami Rama in the suburbs of Chicago. As […]
12 Wonderful Quotes from Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh
The latest news from Plum Village is that Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh is in San Francisco at the UCSF Medical Center. He will receive special treatment from a team of distinguished neurologists specializing in stroke and cognitive rehabilitation. You can help by going here: Here are 12 wonderful quotes from Zen Master Thich […]
Is That So?
We don’t need to be sure of anything; we’re learning to pay attention to everything. The voices in conditioned mind claim to want to know, to understand, to be sure—they’re lying. They’re just trying to grab attention; we’re just practicing awareness with an “is that so?” or the ever-popular Zen “huh” as our “contribution.” – […]
Confucius Says…
…read these words of wisdom to see what Confucius says! His timeless wisdom has shaped the lives and destinies of countless people in China and elsewhere. He was a contemporary of the Buddha and Lao Tzu and the religious traditions that flourished from these masters are still influencing us today. “Never impose on others what […]
Anna Halprin Turns 95!
I am so happy to report that my good friend and teacher, Anna Halprin turns 95 today. Just think of this. She is 95 and is still teaching dancers and still performing. Happy Continuation, Anna Last Thursday, I attended the first screening in the United States of her latest full-length movie, Journey in Sensuality: Anna […]
How Love Binds Everything Together in Perfect Harmony – Purpose Fairy
How Love Binds Everything Together in Perfect Harmony. Love cleanses us of everything that’s not real, of everything that’s not real and authentic, and of everything that keeps us from being who we truly are. And the better we get at expanding our circle of compassion, loving not only those who love us but also […]
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