In this video, Vishen Lakhiani teaches the envisioning method of daily meditation practice.
In the beginning, he talks about the research on the benefits of meditation and its scientific basis. He refers to popular magazines articles, brain research, and brain wave states of mind.
His technique is based on The Silva Method. What he says echos the teachings of my teacher, Father Eli to a tee. It is part of every meditation practice that I do and teach.
To meditate does not mean to empty your mind, although this is one of the techniques. So don’t worry about what’s in your mind. You will learn how to embraces the thoughts.
He introduces the The Silva Method 40 Days Technique for maintaining the alpha state. This is done in your bed after you wake up and brush your teeth. You come back into bed count down from 5 to 1, taking a deep breath with each count. There is more to it than this, so watch the video!
Many of the articles on this blog have gratitude as the theme. Vishen presents the gratitude exercise very nicely. I’ve been doing it for a long time and it is very beneficial.
And of course, creative visualization, compassion, forgiveness, and intuition play huge roles in the envisioning method of daily meditation practice.
In the last 10 years, Vishen Lakhiani has turned 4 million people onto meditation through his string of companies, apps, festivals and sites all under the Mindvalley brand.
In this 45 min online course, you’ll learn how to meditate, why it’s perhaps the single most important habit you can adopt, the science behind meditation and how to get dramatic results in the least amount of time. You’ll also learn:
- How to get into deep states of meditation — without years of practice. Simply by trying this simple sleep hack devised by one of Vishen’s earliest teachers
- Uncover the science behind meditation — when you learn these shocking facts — you might just decide that meditation is the SINGLE most important thing to do before leaving to work each morning
- Powerful meditation hacks scientifically proven to boost Happiness, Productivity, Extend your Lifespan and even boost your relationships and work performance.
- And finally …. how to get all of these into a simple 15 min daily practice so it’s manageable by anyone. [Read More…]
Are you willing to spend 1, 9, or 15 minutes a day to use the envisioning method? If so, I am here to help you get the most out of your practice and make it a habit. Just comment on the post or send me and email.
In order to demonstrate that the envisioning method will work for you, I am offering you a special bonus of the complete set Guided Meditations to anyone who purchases the Silva Life System by clicking here or on the image below and sending me a copy of their receipt.

Silva Live System
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