Open Letter to Roshi Joan Halifax
Dear Roshi:
We met in 1997 at the Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay) retreat in Santa Barbara sitting under a tree with a group of people.

Roshi Joan Halifax
Maybe we will meet again in 2013 when Thay comes to Santa Cruz.
You might remember me as having just been diagnosed with bladder cancer. It is all gone now and I have been teaching Mindfulness in Healing, at the Pine Street Clinic in San Anselmo, CA for the past three years.
We spoke heart to heart for a while and I have never forgotten you.
I have been following your work at Upaya Institute and Zen Center ever since then.
I wrote to you about the Zeitgeist Movement in 2007 and you replied that you intended to watch the movie. Did you? You may want to watch the 2011 update also.
One day, I will come and visit you.
In the meantime I want to wish you a very Happy Birthday!
Thanks for all your hard work!
No single answer can hold the truth of a good heart.
~Roshi Joan Halifax
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