Should You Dump Gluten?

Should You Dump Gluten? How Going Gluten Free Can Unlock Weight Loss, Energy & Longevity

February 27, 2014 By .
Dr. Sara GottfriedIn the article, Dr. Sara Gottfried offers some suggestions why going gluten free can help resolve weight problems, and increase energy, and longevity.
I have been on a gluten free diet now since about February, 5 – a couple of weeks before this article appeared.
I recently read that the growing of wheat since World War II has changed drastically. The gluten in today’s wheat is inflammatory, rather than being healthy. This situation was presented very well in the book, Anticaner by David Servan-Schreiber, M. D., Ph. D. – a cancer survivor like me. I even bought the book because it was highly recommended, just like Sara Gottfried’s book, The Hormone Cure.
Here are some of the reasons Sara thinks it is good to dump gluten.
It seems that gluten-free products are everywhere these days, and like many of your health-conscious, smoothie-sipping, label-reading friends, you may be wondering if a gluten-free diet is right for you. And in a culture where pastries, pizza and pasta dominate the standard diet, you might also want to know why wheat is suddenly getting such a bad rap.
Then Sara goes on to talk about Why Grains Cause Pains, and she tells us that this isn’t our grandmother’s bread either, which confirms what David Servan-Schreiber says.
Sara tells us that we can give of the gluten and kick our cravings.That is because the gluten filled products come with a lot of what she calls, “white stuff:”
…refined carbohydrates, sugar, artificial sweeteners and flour products in general – all foods that should be avoided, or at least minimized, due to the negative effects they can have on hormonal balance, insulin levels and gut flora.

The malabsorption of gluten can actually trigger people with gluten sensitivities to crave and overeat refined carbohydrates, like cookies and breads. It can set off an addictive process where the refined carbs spike your glucose levels and quickly lead to the desire to eat even more carbs and sugar. As a result, you consume more of those not-so-nutritious foods, feel more tired and lethargic, get less exercise and gain weight. It’s a vicious circle.

She says that all of this stuff can lead to “diabetes at the door.”

So her advice is to “eliminate and discriminate,” which can also lead to weight loss. [Read More…]

One thing is for certain about my gluten free trial that I am on: I am not craving bread, chocolate, cookies, cakes, and other fancy things that my wife is an expert in preparing. Without trying, I’ve lost 8 pounds, and I really didn’t need to lose them.

What is your experience with a gluten free diet? Please share.

Recommended Reading
The Hormone Cure: Reclaim Balance, Sleep, Sex Drive and Vitality Naturally with the Gottfried Protocol

The Hormone Cure

Anticancer: A New
Way of Life

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