Equanimity and Wisdom Work Together for a Happy Life

Andrew Olendzki is one of my favorite writers on Buddhism. Together with S. N. Goenka, we learn that equanimity and wisdom work together for a happy life. In the Tricycle article, Andrew says, “Mindfulness is the thin edge of a wedge that, if inserted deeply enough into our minds, will open them to wisdom. Whether […]

We Like Pleasant Meditative States

These words of wisdom came Joseph Goldstein in the Tricycle Daily Dharma for August 11, 2013. Joseph Goldstein and Jack Kornfield are the founding fathers of vipassana in the West. He has taught Buddhist meditation worldwide since 1974. A co-founder and guiding teacher of the International Meditation Society (IMS), he also helped envision and establish […]

Stories We Tell Ourselves

This quote is from Sharon Salzberg, a renowned teacher of vipassana meditation and co-founder of the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies with Joseph Goldstein. She is especially known for her teachings on loving kindness meditation. Mindfulness helps us get better at seeing the difference between what’s happening and the stories we tell ourselves about what’s happening, stories that […]

Mindfulness of Craving

Craving or desire, especially sensual desire, is the root of all suffering. Mindfulness of craving can help us reduce or eliminate desire and give us freedom. Now what do we desire? Sex and sensual pleasures? Money? Power? That beautiful woman or handsome man? That shiny car? The best meals? That beautiful beachfront home? Chocolate? All […]