Here are the Weekly Words of Wisdom chosen by Lama Surya Das.
Today, these come from Dr. Roger Walsh, author of “Essential Spirituality: The 7 Central Practices to Awaken Heart and Mind.”
WHAT MAKES FOR LASTING HAPPINESS? “Everyone wants to be happy but what makes for lasting happiness? Interestingly, research is now validating ancient wisdom in many ways. Money, for example, is surprisingly ineffective– it can alleviate the suffering of deprivation, but above a certain minimum does precious little to increase lasting happiness. So what does work? Many things will bump up happiness temporarily, but long term is a very different matter. Researchers have found three thing that succeed in doing this. What are they? 1) Cultivating gratitude, and particularly effective is writing down something each day for which you feel grateful. 2) Reframing difficult experiences in a positive way. This, of course, is the old practice of looking for the silver lining. 3) Generosity. The old wisdom is true–in giving to others we give to ourselves, and the happy result is what’s called a “helper’s high. May you be happy!”
— Dr Roger Walsh, author of