Guided Meditation For Embracing Anger

This lovely video is a guided meditation for embracing anger. The images are beautiful and the narrator has a really soothing voice.

She tells us to release our anger by embracing love.

When we have acceptance for our selves, we can learn to release anger when we allow others to be who they are, when we allow people to be who they need to be.

We need to look for something beautiful in every human being.

We need to make it a priority is not to control other people.

Then life becomes a gift!

We have created a wonderful guided meditation audio recording to help you embrace your anger.

The recording includes the seven segments of guided meditation, which consists of deep relaxation, visualization, and active segment in which you are trained to understand and release anger.

All this for only $9.97!

If you know anyone who would benefit from releasing anger, please share with them.

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