Archives for October 7, 2015

Brené Brown Speaks on Why Shame Cannot Survive Empathy – Purpose Fairy

Brené Brown Speaks on Why Shame Cannot Survive Empathy. “Shame, blame, disrespect, betrayal, and the withholding of affection damage the roots from which love grows. Love can only survive these injuries if they are acknowledged, healed and rare.” Source: Brené Brown Speaks on Why Shame Cannot Survive Empathy – Purpose Fairy

The Path of Love

When we are in love with love rather than with an object, in love with the process of love rather than the content, we can feel that we are always in love, a love without conditions. How can we practice that? We can practice turning our attention away from the conversation in the head aimed […]

A Cluttered Mind

Cleaning up our mental house “Your mind can be likened to a house that has been cluttered over the years with thousands of unnecessary pieces of furniture, pictures, ornaments, and other things, all strewn around and piled everywhere. The result is that, although the outside of the house may present a good appearance, the inside […]

Everything is Interconnected

yada No Retreat On the night of the Buddha’s enlightenment, he is said to have understood that everything is completely interconnected and interdependent. Therefore it is impossible for anybody to go on retreat from the world. Everybody knows that when you go on retreat, the whole world, no matter how tiny your retreat cabin, is […]