Archives for July 18, 2016

On Having the Courage to Follow Your Heart and Intuition – Purpose Fairy

It takes strength and a lot courage to follow your heart and intuition. But you have within you the necessary strength and courage to do it. So do it! Source: On Having the Courage to Follow Your Heart and Intuition – Purpose Fairy

I Am Enough

“I am enough” is just one of the transformational mantras that I just learned from Marisa Peer, the UK’s most beloved therapist. In the video I watched this morning, she told stories of how famous actors, artists, and entrepreneurs overcame life-long traumas by simply writing these words on their mirror and having them set as […]

Does God Exist?

Does God exist? Vishen Lakhiani, founder of Mindvalley and Tom Chi, co-founder of Google X had a discussion about this and it was very enlightening. This question bothered Tom