When you cultivate presence, you’ll hear my voice more clearly. What do I mean by that? Notice the flower, but don’t assign a value judgment to it by calling it “beautiful.” Notice the icy cold wind but don’t make the weather “bad.” Notice the ache in your heart but don’t make the heartache wrong. […]
Sensory Food
Sensory food “Sensory food is what we take in with our senses and our mind—everything we see, smell, touch, taste, and hear. External noise falls into this category, such as conversations, entertainment, and music. What we read and the information we absorb is also sensory food. Perhaps even more than edible food, the sensory food […]
The Secret of the Spiritual Path
Extending Arms and Hearts When we talk of the bodhisattva vow in Buddhism, we talk about extending our arms and our hearts outward, about reaching out to the whole world and embracing all, without exception. We talk about truly seeing the ones standing before us and loving them deeply, just as they are, with […]
Why It’s Important To Embrace Your Darkness – Purpose Fairy
Why It’s Important To Embrace Your Darkness. “I have learned things in the dark that I could never have learned in the light, things that have saved my life over and over again, so that there is really only one logical conclusion. I need darkness as much as I need light.” Source: Why It’s Important […]
I Am Not I
I am not I. I am the one who walks beside me that I cannot see. And the one whom at times I manage to visit. And the one whom at times I forget. And the one who remains calm and silent while I talk. And the one who forgives gently when I move into […]
The Force of Love
yada The Force of Love The extraordinary thing about the cultivation of metta [lovingkindness], as opposed to Christian ideas of love, is that it is a transpersonal force. When you concentrate on transmitting metta, it’s like you’re not actually doing it, you’re just opening yourself up to this field of potential sympathy that exists between […]
Brené Brown Speaks on Why Shame Cannot Survive Empathy – Purpose Fairy
Brené Brown Speaks on Why Shame Cannot Survive Empathy. “Shame, blame, disrespect, betrayal, and the withholding of affection damage the roots from which love grows. Love can only survive these injuries if they are acknowledged, healed and rare.” Source: Brené Brown Speaks on Why Shame Cannot Survive Empathy – Purpose Fairy
The Path of Love
When we are in love with love rather than with an object, in love with the process of love rather than the content, we can feel that we are always in love, a love without conditions. How can we practice that? We can practice turning our attention away from the conversation in the head aimed […]
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