25 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Anne Frank – Purpose Fairy

25 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Anne Frank. For those of you who don’t know, Anne Frank is the author of one of the most read books in the whole world – The Diary of a Young Girl, book that is an actual diary. Anne started her diary at the age of only 13, […]

The Weary Advocate’s Guide to Happiness — Still Harbor

The Weary Advocate’s Guide to Happinessby Heather Lyn MannFor twenty-five years I worked on the front lines of environmental justice. Thirteen years ago I adopted Buddhism as a spiritual practice. In many ways daily meditation, Sutra study, and retreats with Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh transformed my advocacy methods and goals, but the stress and […]

Give Back

The seventh of the 7 Principles of Mindfulness in Healing from the book, Healing with the 7 Principles of Mindfulness is to give back to your community when you are ready. Here is why. When you are battling cancer or other illnesses, the last thing on your mind is to give back to your community […]

Good Impatience, Bad Impatience

Good Impatience, Bad Impatience Impatience can be very good by helping us not put up with tyranny, but it can distort our view of what is possible and how to bring about change. We have to cultivate patience so that our perception isn’t distorted. – Paul Ekman, “The Best and Worst of Us”


“HOW DO I DO IT?” VS. “CAN I DO IT?” “In contrast, a process orientation . . . asks ‘How do I do it?’ instead of ‘Can I do it?’ and this directs attention toward defining the steps that are necessary on the way. This orientation can be characterized in terms of the guiding principle […]

Join Support Groups

The sixth of the 7 Principles of Mindfulness in Healing from the book, Healing with the 7 Principles of Mindfulness is to reach out to others. An important component of reaching out to others is to join support groups. Here is why. Support groups are wonderful for your healing experience because you are able to […]

How to Create Genuine Human Connections – Purpose Fairy

How to Create Genuine Human Connections. “I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.” ~ Brené Brown Source: How to Create Genuine Human Connections – Purpose Fairy

Radical Remission: When Terminal Cancer Vanishes, Pt 1 | The Dr. Oz Show

Dr. Oz sits down to talk to Dr. Kelly Turner about the science behind unexplained remissions from terminal cancer. What unites these cases? What can we learn from them? Dr. Turner shares her findings. Source: Radical Remission: When Terminal Cancer Vanishes, Pt 1 | The Dr. Oz Show

Listen to your being OSHO

yada Listen to your being. It is continuously giving you hints; it is a still, small voice. It does not shout at you, that is true. And if you are a little silent you will start feeling your way. Be the person you are. Never try to be another, and you will become mature. Maturity […]

Low-income Buddhism

Low-income Buddhism Those of us in the lower class have no real disposable income, no truly ‘free’ time, and we have to keep up a break-neck speed just to break even. We get up early to sit before heading to a job that we can tolerate only because we sit. We meditate before bed to […]