LITTLE THINGS + BIG THINGS “My research has consistently demonstrated that recovery from the minor challenges we administer in an experiment, such as being burned by the thermode or seeing an upsetting picture, is strongly correlated with and predictive of how someone copes with real-life adversity, particularly how quickly they recover. Resilience on the little […]

Reach Out to Others

The sixth of the 7 Principles of Mindfulness in Healing from the book, Healing with the 7 Principles of Mindfulness is to reach out to others. Here is why. You cannot get through a cancer diagnosis without the help of family and friends. Other people are needed to support your healing and well being. Just […]

The Love Available to Us

yada The Love Available to Us There is far more love available to us in any given moment than we might be aware. And there is much, much more love in our hearts than we as adults have been conditioned to believe is appropriate to express. – Kate Johnson, “Making the First Move” yada

Waking up to Racism

yada Waking up to Racism I am often asked when talking about racism in Buddhist circles to be specific, give examples. In part, this longing emerges from the reluctance of white people in power to accept, and see clearly by opening their eyes, that white supremacy informs the shaping of Buddhist communities, individual interactions, publications, […]

Finding Your Life Purpose: Guided Meditation – Purpose Fairy

Finding Your Life Purpose: Guided Meditation. “Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it” ~ Gautama Buddha There’s nothing more fulfilling than living in alignment with your life purpose. Nothing more exciting than being all that you were born to be and doing the work […]

Create Your Own Medical Team

The fifth of the Seven Principles of Mindfulness in Healing from the book, Healing with the Seven Principles of Mindfulness is to create your own medical team. Here is why. Your primary care doctor is wonderful for helping you out when you have a medical problem like a virus, cold, or infection. His recommendations in […]

15 Things You Should Add on Your Daily To Be List – Purpose Fairy

15 Things You Should Add on Your Daily To Be List. I have always loved this quote from Wayne Dyer:”I am a human being, not a human doing. Don’t equate your self-worth with how well you do things in life. You aren’t what you do. If you are what you do, then when you don’t…you […]


“In most of psychology, researchers describe what is. Often they do this with great acumen and creativity. But knowing what is and knowing what can be are not the same thing. My interest, for as long as I can remember, is in what can be, and in learning what subtle changes might make that happen. […]

Practice Daily Meditation

The fourth of the Seven Principles of Mindfulness in Healing from the book, Healing with the Seven Principles of Mindfulness is to practice daily meditation. Here is why. Meditation strengthens the mind like exercise strengthens the body. With daily exercise, your muscles become toned and your body feels great. If you miss a day or […]

Here are 8 things you can do today to feel the happy, light energy you want:

You can’t beat the crap out of yourself into a happy relationship with your body… …and you can’t think your way into more energy and vitality. Here are 8 things you can do today to feel the happy, light energy you want: get up and stretch, while you listen to a Tina Turner song (try this […]