I’m a Scientist. This is What I’ll Fight For.

Source: I’m a Scientist. This is What I’ll Fight For.

Terrifying Facts Food Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know – Purpose Fairy

There are so many terrifying facts we don’t know about the food industry and how it’s brainwashing people to crave foods that are not good for them. Source: Terrifying Facts Food Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know – Purpose Fairy

I Had Many Problems

When I was in graduate school at the University of Chicago in 1965, I had many problems – girls, school, girls, money, girls, cats, girls, friends, girls and more. I was a complete nerd long before the term was invented. I knew nothing about mindfulness, yoga or meditation. I just assumed that because I was […]

Letting Go

One of the main principles of Mindfulness in Healing is to offer people what you can in the way of healing and letting go of any expectations for their results. When I teach mindfulness breaks in people’s homes or in my space, I do my best to encourage them to have a daily practice and […]

Our Place… | Leslie Davenport ::: Climate Psychology

Let an image form in your mind’s eye of a web, the delicate filaments intricately connected, each one vibrating in response to the smallest movement on any part Source: Our Place… | Leslie Davenport ::: Climate Psychology

The Benefits of Generosity

yada I began to really live life when I began to look at every situation and think about how I could be of service in that situation. I learned that I shouldn’t be pushy about helping, but just willing. Often I could give a helping hand—or perhaps a loving smile or a word of cheer. […]

The Land of the Free…

Americans pride ourselves as living in “The land of the free and the home of the brave.” But are we really free? Many of us are slaves to our jobs and can’t really make end meet. Others are slaves to alcohol, drugs and food. But we all want peace and security. Meanwhile, the rich are […]

The Illusion of Separateness

Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh is famous for saying, “We are here to awaken to the illusion of our separateness.” What exactly does this mean? In my way of contemplating this teaching, I think of the following with Lissa Rankin which I received this morning: Dear Jerome, What if there is no “right” or “wrong?” […]

Overcoming Addiction: 5 Powerful Habits You Learn Through Recovery – Purpose Fairy

Addiction is a disease that must be treated properly and that treatment will lead you towards a normal, happy life. And today you will learn more about it. Source: Overcoming Addiction: 5 Powerful Habits You Learn Through Recovery – Purpose Fairy

26 Powerful Lessons to Learn from Michelangelo – Purpose Fairy

Michelangelo was one of a kind. A brilliant man who left behind so much beauty and so much wisdom. And today I would like to share with you 26 lessons Source: 26 Powerful Lessons to Learn from Michelangelo – Purpose Fairy