I Am Enough

“I am enough” is just one of the transformational mantras that I just learned from Marisa Peer, the UK’s most beloved therapist.

In the video I watched this morning, she told stories of how famous actors, artists, and entrepreneurs overcame life-long traumas by simply writing these words on their mirror and having them set as reminders in their cell phones. I was totally blown away and I am sharing this video with you to encourage you to join her Uncompromised Life course from Mindvalley.

Watch this video first (at least the first fifteen minutes or so) and you will learn

  • The common denominator of all our problems.
  • What Marisa told fashion magazines when their sales slowed down.
  • Three exercises to prove that your mind does what you tell it to do.
  • The single major cause of depression.
  • Why you need to lie and cheat with your brain to regain your child-like confidence and power.


The three insights she talked about are:

  1. Your mind does what it truly thinks you want it to do and what it truly believes is in your best interest.
  2. The way you feel about any event and the way your mind responds is the result of just two things; the pictures you make in your head and the words that you say to yourself.
  3. To succeed at anything you have to make the unfamiliar familiar and the familiar unfamiliar.

I am so jazzed by this simple mantra, “I am enough” that I trust you to watch the video and become as excited as I am about it. In fact, if you order her training from this link and send me a proof of your order, I’ll send you all six of my guided meditations as a bonus. You will receive these guided meditations (a forty-two dollar value):

  • Anger Control Guided Meditation
  • Achieve Goals Guided Meditation
  • Sound Sleep Guided Meditation
  • Stress Relief Guided Meditation
  • Reduce Symptoms Guided Meditation
  • Weight Loss Guided Meditation

and if you order the course before Friday, July 22, I’ll also throw in my best selling book, Cosmology and Buddhist Thought: A Conversaton with Neil deGrasse Tyson!


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