Dogen Zenji was the founder of the Soto school of Zen Buddhism. He lived during the beginning of the 13th century and brought the teachings of Chan Buddhism back to Japan from China. “Do not follow the ideas of others, but learn to listen to the voice within yourself. “Your body and mind will become […]
Meditation Practices of Zen and Tantra
May 3, 2012 by
Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche was born in 1939 and died in 1987. He started the Shambhala Buddhist community and is well known for his book, Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism. In another book, The Teacup & the Skullcup:Chogyam Trungpa on Zen and Tantraa, he talks about the meditation practices of Zen and Tantra. The meditation practices of […]
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