This video, Raising Compassion, brings together a diverse group of neuroscientists, mental health professionals, and Buddhist monks in a remarkable exchange between science, art, and contemplative practice. In a series of informal conversations about compassion, initiated by neuroscientist Tania Singer and artist Olafur Eliasson, the protagonists discuss the public perception of compassion, talk about compassion-training […]
How to Train Compassion
September 27, 2013 by Jerome Freedman
Filed Under: Contemplations, Research, Teachers, Video Tagged With: Buddhist, compassion, How to Train Compassion, Kristin Neff, Matthieu Ricard, Max Planck Institute, Olafur Eliasson, Paul Gilbert, Raising Compassion, Roshi Joan Halifax, self-compassion, Tania Singer
Plasticity Of The Social Brain
February 21, 2013 by Jerome Freedman

Olga Klimecki was another presenter at the conference for Empathy and Compassion in Society in London in the fall of 2012. She works at the Max Planck Institute with Tania Singer on the neuroscience of empathy and compassion. She spoke about the plasticity of the social brain. She does research to see if we can change […]
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Filed Under: Research Tagged With: Empathy and Compassion in Society, Max Planck Institute, Olga Klimecki, Plasticity Of The Social Brain, Tania Singer