The Root of All Evil

Many people think that money is the root of all evil, but the Buddha teaches something totally different in the Mula (or Root) Sutta (Sutra). In this sutra, the Buddha asks, “In what are all phenomena rooted?” and, as in all sutras, he answers his own question. Thanissara (Mary Weinberg), a former nun in the […]

The Better Way to Live Alone

My teacher, Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh (known affectionately by his followers as Thay – teacher) , often teaches on the better way to live alone. His teachings are based on the words of the Buddha passed down orally until they were written down. These writings are called sutras. In this article, we are going to review Sutra […]

5 Sutras Of Yogi Bhajan

The 5 Sutras of Yogi Bhajan are wisdom teachings for the Aquarian Age. They are to be  released over a period of five years from 2013 to 2017. I believe that they have been released before. As stated in a previous article, Gabrielle Bernstein Awakens Your Authentic Power, Yogi Bhajan was responsible for introducing Kundalini […]