Archives for March 24, 2016

Climate Impacts are Overwhelming

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reported last year that climate impacts are overwhelming – the full report is available online. I am reminded of Thay’s first answer in his March 2012 Q& A interview on Climate Change. He said that, We have to breathe deeply to acknowledge the fact that we humans may […]

Ram Dass on Unconditional Love

Continuing our theme of unconditional love, we can now see what Ram Dass has to say about it. Unconditional love is the love that a mother has for her new born infant. It is love without question, doubt or insincerity. It is love with kindness, compassion, empathy, good will and generosity. It is freely given […]

Why Antidepressants Do Not Work

These words of wisdom from Dr. David Perlmutter, MD tell us why antidepressants do not work. The reason is quite simple: they treat the symptoms and not the cause.. “By 2005, antidepressants had become the #1 prescribed drug class in the country. But these medications do not treat depression. Whether it’s Prozac, Cymbalta, Zoloft, Elavil, […]