Archives for March 8, 2016

The Life and Teachings of Sister Chan Khong – Lion’s Roar

She’s best known as Thich Nhat Hanh’s invaluable collaborator, but Sister Chan Khong is also a dedicated activist and gifted teacher in her own right. Source: The Life and Teachings of Sister Chan Khong – Lion’s Roar

Norman Fischer on “The Wisdom of Aging with Grace” – Lion’s Roar

Norman Fischer describes the qualities of aging gracefully. Source: Norman Fischer on “The Wisdom of Aging with Grace” – Lion’s Roar

Intention and the Mind

yada Meditation and the Malleable Self The self is plastic, a malleable clay being molded each moment by intention. Just as our scientists are discovering not only how the mind is shaped by the brain but now, too, how the brain is shaped by the mind, so the Buddha described long ago the interdependent process […]

How Not to Reform the World

These words of wisdom from Ramana Maharshi teach us how not to reform the world. With the world in so much trouble right now from climate change, social, racial and economic injustice, and growing populations, we need to consider some methods to reform the world in a peaceful way. Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh says, […]